Instalar Conio.h Dev C++

Hi all! my first post:-)

  1. Instalar Conio.h Dev C 2017
  2. Instalar Conio.h Dev C Gratis

Estas en el tema de instalar conio.h en code blocks en el foro de C/C en Foros del Web.Abrir el menu plugins, click en dev c devpack updater installer. Dec 07, 2013  CodePorting.Native Cs2Cpp. CodePorting.Native Cs2Cpp is a C# to C source code porting framework, best suited for organizations who are keeping their source code in C#. If you want to release the same version of your application with C source code to cover more platforms, CodePorting.Native Cs2Cpp.

Conio.h is a C header file used mostly by MS-DOS compilers to provide console input/output.1 It is not part of the C standard library or ISO C, nor is it defined by POSIX. In short: Your program is not portable to Unix (or in fact, anything but MSDOS or Win32). The conio.h header file used in C programming language contains functions for console input/output. Some of its most commonly used functions are clrscr, getch, getche, kbhit etc. They can be used to clear screen, change color of text and background, move text, check whether a key is pressed or not and to perform other tasks.

Para agregar la libreria conio.h en Dev-C intenten lo siguiente 1) tener instalado Dev -C. 2) buscar la carpeta de Dev - C, normalmente se encuentra en EQUIPO - OS(C:) - Dev-Cpp. 3) entrar en la carpeta INCLUDE. 4) buscan el archivo conio.h y lo reemplazan por el que esta en el link que tambien se llama conio.h. Nov 18, 2014  error, copy the include directory from Dev-Cpp to Orwell path. Last edit: xpfv 2013-03-26 If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link.

Well, I use borland compiler now, but if I need to use Dev-cpp to solve this problem, its fine with me.
I use cmd.exe on Windows XP Prof.Include
My problem is: I want to use the textattr() function of conio.h.. I maked a sample for you, but now I see that I cant get any colors too!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
//this should be enough I guess
using namespace std;
string a;
int main()
cout << 'This should be underlined?';
cout << endl;
cout << 'Wanna end this program? Press a key (Y) and then press enter..';
cin >> a;

But both, textcolor, and textattr doesnt work.. When I do textcolor([LIGHT]GREEN)
so, light and without light, it still doesnt work..
but functions, which can be found in conio.h, like clrscr() which clears the screen and gotoxy(3,3) which sets text on coords 3,3 works fine!!!

Instalar Conio.h Dev C 2017

I think this is very strange..
I just want to make a 'input'-field, this was a class I wanted to make..

Instalar Conio.h Dev C Gratis

so it would look like: _______
and then if u enter on it something, the text self would be underlined too..
With such inputs I wanted to make a program, but it seems hard to just make text underlined:S
please, need some help! btw I am new to C++, but I know the basics..
Nothing platform-specific is particularly convenient, but if you wish to do both Windows and *nix then I recommend you to the NCurses library.
For use on POSIX platforms (like Ubuntu): NCurses
For use on Windows: PDCurses
Both are highly compatible and, unless you are doing something the documentation says is specific to one or the other, they should work identically.
Here are some useful links:
Links for getting started:
Basic example ('Press the 'any' key'):
Informative example:
Basic color example:
Another color example:
Wikipedia article & links:
'NCURSES programming HOWTO':
Be sure to look around for good documentation too. A good start is to Google for 'man curses'.
Hope this helps.