Dev C++ Library List

I am using Dev-cpp - On Windows XP. I want to use curl in my project built using devcpp. So I created a static library (project) in devcpp for the same. I have include all the necessary curl files in it. Then i created a console project, But i have no idea as to how to link to my static library. While running the following code. This list of functions is incomplete, but will be updated when possible to eventually fill the list to all library functions. A note about C vs. C Note that header files from the C standard library should have the form headername.h when used in a C program, and the form cheadername when used in C programs (note the c as a prefix). Aug 03, 2019  A curated list of awesome C (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome. fffaraz/awesome-cpp. Framework - Modern C14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications. MIT Cairo - A 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. LGPL2 or Mozilla MPL. In 1998, C98 was released, standardizing the language, and a minor update was released in 2003.After C98, C evolved relatively slowly until, in 2011, the C11 standard was released, adding numerous new features, enlarging the standard library further, and providing more facilities to C programmers. After a minor C14 update released in December 2014, various new additions were. The C standard library provides a large number of library functions (under different header files) for performing common tasks. As other answers already stated, there isn't a linked list library in the standard library. I've written one for my own use a while ago. You can freely use it or use the code as reference. You can find it here: libllist.

Uic Library

< cpp
Standard Library Headers
Freestanding and hosted implementations
Named requirements
Language support library
Concepts library(C++20)
Diagnostics library
Utilities library
Strings library
Containers library
Iterators library
Ranges library(C++20)
Algorithms library
Numerics library
Input/output library
Localizations library
Regular expressions library(C++11)
Atomic operations library(C++11)
Thread support library(C++11)
Filesystem library(C++17)
Technical Specifications
Standard c library Standard Library headers
Language Support

General utilities



Regular expressions
Filesystem support
Thread support

C compatibility

The interface of C++ standard library is defined by the following collection of headers.


  • 3Utilities library
  • 16C compatibility headers

Concepts library

<concepts>(since C++20)Fundamental library concepts

Coroutines library

<coroutine>(since C++20)Coroutine support library

Utilities library

<cstdlib> General purpose utilities: program control, dynamic memory allocation, random numbers, sort and search
<csignal> Functions and macro constants for signal management
<csetjmp> Macro (and function) that saves (and jumps) to an execution context
<cstdarg> Handling of variable length argument lists
<typeinfo> Runtime type information utilities
<typeindex>(since C++11)std::type_index
<type_traits>(since C++11)Compile-time type information
<bitset>std::bitset class template
<functional> Function objects, Function invocations, Bind operations and Reference wrappers
<utility> Various utility components
<ctime> C-style time/date utilites
<chrono>(since C++11) C++ time utilites
<cstddef> standard macros and typedefs
<initializer_list>(since C++11)std::initializer_list class template
<tuple>(since C++11)std::tuple class template
<any>(since C++17)std::any class
<optional>(since C++17)std::optional class template
<variant>(since C++17)std::variant class template
<compare>(since C++20)Three-way comparison operator support
<version>(since C++20) supplies implementation-dependent library information
<source_location>(since C++20) supplies means to obtain source code location
Dynamic memory management
<new> Low-level memory management utilities
<memory> Higher level memory management utilities
<scoped_allocator>(since C++11) Nested allocator class
<memory_resource>(since C++17) Polymorphic allocators and memory resources
Numeric limits
<climits> limits of integral types
<cfloat> limits of float types
<cstdint>(since C++11) fixed-size types and limits of other types
<cinttypes>(since C++11) formatting macros , intmax_t and uintmax_t math and conversions
<limits> standardized way to query properties of arithmetic types
Error handling
<exception> Exception handling utilities
<stdexcept> Standard exception objects
<cassert> Conditionally compiled macro that compares its argument to zero
<system_error>(since C++11) defines std::error_code, a platform-dependent error code
<cerrno> Macro containing the last error number

Strings library

<cctype> Functions to determine the type contained in character data
<cwctype> Functions to determine the type contained in wide character data
<cstring> various narrow character string handling functions
<cwchar> various wide and multibyte string handling functions
<cuchar>(since C++11) C-style Unicode character conversion functions
<string>std::basic_string class template
<string_view>(since C++17)std::basic_string_view class template
<charconv>(since C++17)std::to_chars and std::from_chars
<format>(since C++20)Formatting library including std::format

Containers library

<array>(since C++11)std::array container
<vector>std::vector container
<deque>std::deque container
<list>std::list container
<forward_list>(since C++11)std::forward_list container
<set>std::set and std::multiset associative containers
<map>std::map and std::multimap associative containers
<unordered_set>(since C++11)std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset unordered associative containers
<unordered_map>(since C++11)std::unordered_map and std::unordered_multimap unordered associative containers
<stack>std::stack container adaptor
<queue>std::queue and std::priority_queue container adaptors
<span>(since C++20)std::span view

Iterators library

<iterator> Range iterators

Ranges library

<ranges>(since C++20) Range access, primitives, requirements, utilities and adaptors

Algorithms library

<algorithm> Algorithms that operate on ranges
<execution>(since C++17) Predefined execution policies for parallel versions of the algorithms

Numerics library

<cmath> Common mathematics functions
<complex> Complex number type
<valarray> Class for representing and manipulating arrays of values
<random>(since C++11) Random number generators and distributions
<numeric> Numeric operations on values in containers
<ratio>(since C++11) Compile-time rational arithmetic
<cfenv>(since C++11) Floating-point environment access functions
<bit>(since C++20) Bit manipulation functions
<numbers>(since C++20) Math constants

Input/output library

<iosfwd> forward declarations of all classes in the input/output library
<ios>std::ios_base class, std::basic_ios class template and several typedefs
<istream>std::basic_istream class template and several typedefs
<ostream>std::basic_ostream, std::basic_iostream class templates and several typedefs
<iostream> several standard stream objects
<fstream>std::basic_fstream, std::basic_ifstream, std::basic_ofstream class templates and several typedefs
<sstream>std::basic_stringstream, std::basic_istringstream, std::basic_ostringstream class templates and several typedefs
<syncstream>(since C++20)std::basic_osyncstream, std::basic_syncbuf, and typedefs
<strstream>(deprecated in C++98)std::strstream, std::istrstream, std::ostrstream
<iomanip> Helper functions to control the format of input and output
<streambuf>std::basic_streambuf class template
<cstdio> C-style input-output functions

Localization library

<locale> Localization utilities
<clocale> C localization utilities
<codecvt>(since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) Unicode conversion facilities

Regular Expressions library

<regex>(since C++11) Classes, algorithms and iterators to support regular expression processing

Atomic Operations library

<atomic>(since C++11) Atomic operations library

Thread support library

<thread>(since C++11)std::thread class and supporting functions
<stop_token>(since C++20) Stop tokens for std::jthread
<mutex>(since C++11) mutual exclusion primitives
<shared_mutex>(since C++14) shared mutual exclusion primitives
<future>(since C++11) primitives for asynchronous computations
<condition_variable>(since C++11)thread waiting conditions
<semaphore>(since C++20)semaphores
<latch>(since C++20)latches
<barrier>(since C++20)barriers

Filesystem library

<filesystem>(since C++17)std::path class and supporting functions

[edit]C compatibility headers

For some of the C standard library headers of the form xxx.h, the C++ standard library both includes an identically-named header and another header of the form cxxx (all meaningful cxxx headers are listed above).

With the exception of complex.h , each xxx.h header included in the C++ standard library places in the global namespace each name that the corresponding cxxx header would have placed in the std namespace.

These headers are allowed to also declare the same names in the std namespace, and the corresponding cxxx headers are allowed to also declare the same names in the global namespace: including <cstdlib> definitely provides std::malloc and may also provide ::malloc. Including <stdlib.h> definitely provides ::malloc and may also provide std::malloc. This applies even to functions and function overloads that are not part of C standard library.

<assert.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cassert> is placed in global namespace
<ctype.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cctype> is placed in global namespace
<errno.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cerrno> is placed in global namespace
<fenv.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cfenv> is placed in global namespace
<float.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cfloat> is placed in global namespace
<inttypes.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cinttypes> is placed in global namespace
<limits.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <climits> is placed in global namespace
<locale.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <clocale> is placed in global namespace
<math.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cmath> is placed in global namespace
except for names of mathematical special functions
<setjmp.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <csetjmp> is placed in global namespace
<signal.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <csignal> is placed in global namespace
<stdarg.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstdarg> is placed in global namespace
<stddef.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstddef> is placed in global namespace
except for names of std::byte and related functions
<stdint.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstdint> is placed in global namespace
<stdio.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstdio> is placed in global namespace
<stdlib.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstdlib> is placed in global namespace
<string.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstring> is placed in global namespace
<time.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <ctime> is placed in global namespace
<uchar.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cuchar> is placed in global namespace
<wchar.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cwchar> is placed in global namespace
<wctype.h>(deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cwctype> is placed in global namespace

[edit]Empty C headers

The headers <complex.h>, <ccomplex>, <tgmath.h>, and <ctgmath> do not contain any content from the C standard library and instead merely include other headers from the C++ standard library. The use of all these headers is deprecated in C++.

C++ Library Pdf

<ccomplex>(since C++11)(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20) simply includes the header <complex>
<complex.h>(deprecated) simply includes the header <complex>
<ctgmath>(since C++11)(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20) simply includes the headers <complex> and <cmath>: the overloads equivalent to the contents of the C header tgmath.h are already provided by those headers
<tgmath.h>(deprecated) simply includes the headers <complex> and <cmath>

[edit]Meaningless C headers

The headers <ciso646>, <cstdalign>, and <cstdbool> are meaningless in C++ because the macros they provide in C are language keywords in C++.

<ciso646>(removed in C++20) empty header. The macros that appear in iso646.h in C are keywords in C++
<iso646.h>(deprecated) has no effect
<cstdalign>(since C++11)(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20) defines one compatibility macro constant
<stdalign.h>(deprecated) defines one compatibility macro constant
<cstdbool>(since C++11)(deprecated in C++17)(removed in C++20) defines one compatibility macro constant
<stdbool.h>(deprecated) defines one compatibility macro constant

[edit]Unsupported C headers

The C headers <stdatomic.h>, <stdnoreturn.h>, and <threads.h> are not included in C++ and have no cxxx equivalents.

[edit]Experimental libraries

C++ TR's/TS's also define several collections of headers.

[edit]See also

C++ Linked List Library

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< C++ Programming‎ | Code/Standard C Library
The latest reviewed version was checked on 9 June 2017. There are 2 pending changes awaiting review.

All Standard C Library Functions

abortstops the program
absabsolute value without minus
acosarc cosine
asctimea textual version of the time
asinarc sine
assertstops the program if an expression isn't true
atanarc tangent
atan2arc tangent, using signs to determine quadrants
atexitsets a function to be called when the program exits
atofconverts a string to a double
atoiconverts a string to an integer
atolconverts a string to a long
bsearchperform a binary search
callocallocates and clears a two-dimensional chunk of memory
ceilthe smallest integer not less than a certain value
clearerrclears errors
clockreturns the amount of time that the program has been running
coshhyperbolic cosine
ctimereturns a specifically formatted version of the time
difftimethe difference between two times
divreturns the quotient and remainder of a division
exitstop the program
expreturns 'e' raised to a given power
fabsabsolute value for floating-point numbers
fcloseclose a file
feoftrue if at the end-of-file
ferrorchecks for a file error
fflushwrites the contents of the output buffer
fgetcget a character from a stream
fgetposget the file position indicator
fgetsget a string of characters from a stream
floorreturns the largest integer not greater than a given value
fmodreturns the remainder of a division
fopenopen a file
fprintfprint formatted output to a file
fputcwrite a character to a file
fputswrite a string to a file
freadread from a file
freereturns previously allocated memory to the operating system
freopenopen an existing stream with a different name
frexpdecomposes a number into scientific notation
fscanfread formatted input from a file
fseekmove to a specific location in a file
fsetposmove to a specific location in a file
ftellreturns the current file position indicator
fwritewrite to a file
getcread a character from a file
getcharread a character from STDIN
getenvget environment information about a variable
getsread a string from STDIN
gmtimereturns a pointer to the current Greenwich Mean Time
isalnumtrue if a character is alphanumeric
isalphatrue if a character is alphabetic
iscntrltrue if a character is a control character
isdigittrue if a character is a digit
isgraphtrue if a character is a graphical character
islowertrue if a character is lowercase
isprinttrue if a character is a printing character
ispuncttrue if a character is punctuation
isspacetrue if a character is a space character
isuppertrue if a character is an uppercase character
itoaConvert a integer to a string
isxdigittrue if a character is a hexadecimal character
labsabsolute value for long integers
ldexpcomputes a number in scientific notation
ldivreturns the quotient and remainder of a division, in long integer form
localtimereturns a pointer to the current time
lognatural logarithm
log10natural logarithm, in base 10
longjmpstart execution at a certain point in the program
mallocallocates memory
memchrsearches an array for the first occurrence of a character
memcmpcompares two buffers
memcpycopies one buffer to another
memmovemoves one buffer to another
memsetfills a buffer with a character
mktimereturns the calendar version of a given time
modfdecomposes a number into integer and fractional parts
perrordisplays a string version of the current error to STDERR
powreturns a given number raised to another number
printfwrite formatted output to STDOUT
putcwrite a character to a stream
putcharwrite a character to STDOUT
putswrite a string to STDOUT
qsortperform a quicksort.
raisesend a signal to the program
randreturns a pseudo-random number
reallocchanges the size of previously allocated memory
removeerase a file
renamerename a file
rewindmove the file position indicator to the beginning of a file
scanfread formatted input from STDIN
setbufset the buffer for a specific stream
setjmpset execution to start at a certain point
setlocalesets the current locale
setvbufset the buffer and size for a specific stream
signalregister a function as a signal handler
sinhhyperbolic sine
sprintfwrite formatted output to a buffer
sqrtsquare root
srandinitialize the random number generator
sscanfread formatted input from a buffer
strcatconcatenates two strings
strchrfinds the first occurrence of a character in a string
strcmpcompares two strings
strcollcompares two strings in accordance to the current locale
strcpycopies one string to another
strcspnsearches one string for any characters in another
strerrorreturns a text version of a given error code
strftimereturns individual elements of the date and time
strlenreturns the length of a given string
strncatconcatenates a certain amount of characters of two strings
strncmpcompares a certain amount of characters of two strings
strncpycopies a certain amount of characters from one string to another
strpbrkfinds the first location of any character in one string, in another string
strrchrfinds the last occurrence of a character in a string
strspnreturns the length of a substring of characters of a string
strstrfinds the first occurrence of a substring of characters
strtodconverts a string to a double
strtokfinds the next token in a string
strtolconverts a string to a long
strtoulconverts a string to an unsigned long
strxfrmconverts a substring so that it can be used by string comparison functions
systemperform a system call
tanhhyperbolic tangent
timereturns the current calendar time of the system
tmpfilereturn a pointer to a temporary file
tmpnamreturn a unique filename
tolowerconverts a character to lowercase
toupperconverts a character to uppercase
ungetcputs a character back into a stream
va_arguse variable length parameter lists
vprintf, vfprintf, and vsprintfwrite formatted output with variable argument lists
vscanf, vfscanf, and vsscanfread formatted input with variable argument lists

These routines included on the Standard C Library can be sub divided into:

Standard C++ Library Functions

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